Panel Migration Announcement

Here we are going to lay over basic details regarding our new control panel.
A couple of weeks ago we announced our new theme for the discord bot hosting panel. This will now transition over for Minecraft services. Read below.
How was our new panel built
We have put together a group of 3 developers, 2 designers, our system administrator team, and community helpers.
Our control panel is based off of Laravel & open sourced software. Our project is based off of pterodactyl, the open sourced game server management panel.
Written in Laravel & Typescript. Using ReactJS & TailwindCSS. In the backend, using GoLang, python, and more. Our team has worked tirelessly with these softwares to create our new panel.
The panel is fast as sh!t! (Pardon our French)
I would like to take a moment to thank the different staff members apart of this project:
- Donald (Head of development)
- Lachlan (System administration & project planning)
- Mark (Development, project planning)
- Lucas (Knowledgeable, project planning)
- Support Staff & community helpers
We would like to thank them for their hard work over the past couple of months! This wouldn’t of been possibly without them.
Why are we transitioning?
Over the last couple of years, it has been quite impossible for PloxHost to locate and employ developers to update and manage our current panel management system, Multicraft.
Multicraft has treated us well since 2015. With an outage that occurred last summer due to Multicraft licensing issues, our team started to believe it may be best for our company to transition.
Building a panel off new frameworks, it would be easier, and better for our teams to create amazing software.
Migrating panels will also allow us to support more source game, and other hostings in the future. We were feature-locked & game-locked within Multicraft.
We believe this is the right choice for our company moving on. PloxHost strives for innovation and excellence, and we could no longer offer that with Multicraft. Now with our amazing team of in-house developers, we are now able keep to our core values.
The new PloxHost Control Panel
Here we will highlight new features, and updates to the panel.
Theme Re-design
Our control panel is beautiful. It’s easy on the eyes with dark mode, has everything in a central place, and is easy to navigate.

Beautiful and easy to navigate server list. You can find quick information regarding your server here.

Accurate, live, and awesome-looking status graphs

💡 Compared to our current Multicraft option, these graphs are updated live, and show exactly what your server usage is like.

Quick-glance server status boxes
Minecraft Specific Features
(Click on the dropdown / sub-option to view the feature)
Quickly edit Minecraft Server Settings

Clicking on an option will allow you to edit the setting

🧪 Test your Votifier settings

🏎️ View your online players, and quickly manage them (OP, Ban, Kick)

🚇 Set a sub-domain for each server allocation(port)

🏺 Change server version, modpack, jar, etc.
You can easily change your server modpack and jar via our beautiful interface

You can search all jar and modpack options. Query between each one.
You can also set a custom jar with one click!

🪠 Plugin Manager
Easily install and manage your plugins with ease. Pulled directly from Spigot (SpiGet) API.

🧑💼 PloxHost Launcher
The PloxHost Launcher has gotten even better in this update.
We have so much more planned. This is just the start of something amazing!
Panel Wide Features
- 2FA available via tokens & keys (yubikey)
- Panel tour (gives a tour around the control panel for new users
- Login with Billing Portal (No longer need to remember multiple passwords to access PloxHost Services)
- API Access (More details soon)
- Paste contents of server console with a click of a button
- Wipe & Reinstall server
- Brand new, stinkin’ fast file manager
- Can now create multiple databases (max 3 per server)
- Brand new Schedules manager
- Subusers with ACTUALLY GOOD sub-user permissions
- User-created backups stored off-site (max 3 per server)
- Create multiple ports per server (max 3 per server)
- Audit Logging (log actions that you or sub-users have taken)
- Quick-action buttons for contacting our support team (No need to fill out forms, they will redirect you and fill in the data for you)
- Brand new API (More details soon)
- Load balanced panel. It’s available in 3 different regions for fast, and easy access.
- Mobile optimized
There is so much more!
Transition Process
This transition will be spanned out over a couple of weeks. Our team has been working hard to test and get this panel ready for production use. And it is now to a place where we can offer it to customers. Here’s the process...
New Orders
Starting Monday, Feb 21st, 2022, we will now be accepting orders via the new control panel. All current plans for Minecraft Hosting will be the same, but now they will be deployed via the new control panel.
New control panel URL
The control panel is now at
What’s being migrated, and what’s not being migrated
We are not able to migrate all settings with your servers. We have outlined the following.
We are working to make this process as easy as possible. If anything that is NOT being migrated is effecting you. Please contact us, we will help you migrate over anything possible.
Migration Process
Starting on Monday, Feb 21st, 2022, we will start migrating Extreme Minecraft Hosting customers to our new PloxHost Control Panel.
Quick notes:
- The process will take 5 - 10 minutes per server
- Your server will be powered off shortly, then powered back on
- Your multicraft server will be marked as suspended
- You will be emailed from our new control panel to set your new password
- Your current multicraft ( password will NOT work! It will be invalidated!
- Information on the billing portal will be updated.
- New plan name
- Server ID
- Your server files & settings will be at
Our team has been working hard to nail down the migration process. We have, you can say, mastered this process.
Budget Minecraft Hosting services will begin migration on Wednesday, Feb 23rd, 2022. Starting with Frankfurt, Germany services.
Before migration of your server node. You will receive an email 2 hours before the migration. This will say the servers being migrated, estimated time per, and any other important information.
You will get an email after the migration of your server. This will outline logging into the panel, and details regarding the migration.
Our team is migrating thousands of servers. Although this process has been fully automated, we are asking for your patience...
🚧 Please, do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. You can reach us via our website or via email.
🚨 Updates regarding the migration process will be sent via email. We are also going to be posting status updates via
There will be another notion document available to view your nodes progress. We have a lot of work to do, so do bare with us.
You will get emails from us as well.
Our knowledgebase has been re-written to acknowledge changes we have made to our control panel. This will be available at starting tomorrow, under a category named “Minecraft Hosting - PH Control Panel”, the existing category will be marked as hidden.
UPDATE: the new knowledge base is available. It is located under the same category as previous, “Minecraft”.
Thank you to Lucas and the rest of the team for putting together an amazing, new knowledgebase
Thank you so much for your patience. We are so excited to share these new updates with you.